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Roadmapping Excellence

Enhance your organization's roadmapping process and maturity with best practices through our Roadmap Assessment Service SCoRE.

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Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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Website_Icons-UseCase-21 SharpCloud Training

SharpCloud provides public and private training options to help you and your organization make the most of your investment in SharpCloud.

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Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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Expand your SharpCloud knowledge with our library of insightful case studies, videos, guides, and webinars.

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On-demand webinar - SharpTalksRoadmapping for your audience

Discover roadmapping insights with Phil Hornby in this on-demand SharpTalks webinar. Engage audiences, enhance clarity, and drive alignment. 

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Case Study - Digital TransformationLearn how the Light Rail team uses SharpCloud to help them assess the next generation of light rail schemes.Read more
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Video - ProductSee the Golden Thread

Golden Thread is a new feature in SharpCloud v11.1, allowing you to filter out the noise and quickly understand impacts of changes to make informed decisions.

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On-demand webinar - SharpCloud MasterclassData driven plugins

In this webinar you will gain an understanding of what plugins are and how they can enhance your solution even further.

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Case Study - Technology RoadmappingLearn how NZTC are shaping a net-zero industrial future through technology that drives the transition in the energy & utilities sector with SharpCloud.Read more
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Case Study - Portfolio Management"A centralized platform for portfolio management is streamlining processes, reducing inefficiencies, and boosting overall productivity."Read more
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On-demand webinar - SharpTalksManage obstacles and risks in your portfolio

Discover key portfolio management elements, unlocking secrets to identify dependencies, overcome obstacles, and manage risks effectively.

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On-demand webinar - SharpCloud MasterclassCalculated values

Explore the magic of calculations and how they can supercharge your stories in this on-demand webinar.

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Case Study - Dynamic Roadmapping"While we always knew what we were doing, understanding the deeper 'why' behind our actions proved to be a game-changer of considerable magnitude"

US Defence, CTO

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Video - Portfolio ManagementStrategic Portfolio Management with SharpCloud

See how you can align projects, assess risk and impact status, understand project relationships and more with SharpCloud.

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Case Study - Dynamic Roadmapping"SharpCloud is the only platform I have seen that has the ability to solve difficult project challenges quickly and help identify blockers to delivery"

Global Defence Agency

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On-demand webinar - Dynamic RoadmappingUtilizing SharpCloud for strategic thinking and roadmap development

Learn the approaches used by Amcor to reduce waste and deliver the right projects at the right time.

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Case Study - Digital Transformation"We're driving best practice, being more productive and generating better quality outputs as SharpCloud reduces the time it takes to carry out the work"

Craig Wallace, Former Global Head - Emerging Technology Business

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Discover gaps in your planning processesRoadmapping Maturity Assessment

The assessment will help you consider key areas around your roadmapping processes to evaluate your roadmapping maturity.

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Video - Portfolio ManagementPortfolio management strategy: Maximizing growth with limited resources

See why SharpCloud excels over spreadsheets for strategic clarity with dynamic visuals and real-time data.

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Case Study - Change Management"A dynamic roadmap that can flex and adjust throughout the year is providing a single source of information"

Lewis Choi, VP, Digital & Engineering

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Case Study - Portfolio Management"SharpCloud is much better than spreadsheets at visualizing relationships and presenting data in a user-friendly way"

Alex Norman, Project Coordinator

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On-demand webinar - Dynamic RoadmappingUnlocking the power of alignment

Discover common mistakes found in roadmapping, how to engage unengaged stakeholders, and the strategies for and benefits gained from aligning your teams.

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Case Study - Enterprise Risk"SharpCloud is helping me to manage and prioritize my time and focus effectively. It allows me to see the big picture"

Steve Enright, UK Head of Safety, Security & Sustainability

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On-demand webinar - Dynamic RoadmappingSWOT Roadmapping for Strategy and Innovation with the IfM

Discover how SWOT and roadmapping can be used in coordination to gather better insights for better decision making.

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Case Study - Enterprise Risk"It has been transformational in showing information in this way to multiple risk control and action owners"

Sue Nugent, Risk, BCM & Insurance Manager

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Case Study - Dynamic Roadmapping"We have a simple picture telling us if and where we've got a problem and how it's going to be solved"

Pamela Bland, Senior System Engineer

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Video - Enterprise RiskVisualize and manage enterprise risks

Explore SharpCloud's capability to highlight interconnected risks and their impact on the broader business landscape.

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Washington Technology Solutions Digital Roadmapping
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Case Study - Digital RoadmappingDiscover how Washington Technology Solutions are using Roadmapping in SharpCloud to break down strategic planning barriers in Washington State.Read More
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Case Study - Portfolio Management"SharpCloud cuts out the noise, highlights the areas to focus on, and prioritizes the work to be done"

Phil Williams, Managing Director

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Case Study - Benefits Management“The portfolio dashboard provides an interactive view of the benefit maps allowing instant interrogation of benefit data."

Rhianna Warden, Programme Director (Interim)

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On-demand webinar - Dynamic RoadmappingConnecting academia, industry and govt. to roadmap the future

Discover how to drive interest in your roadmap among colleagues and connect your data across industries with the AMRC.

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Case Study - Dynamic Roadmapping"The ability to visualize real time updates and insights in a collaborative fashion helps provide greater visibility"

Lewis Choi, VP, Digital & Engineering

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Case Study - IT RoadmappingDiscover how the State of Hawaii increased transparency, efficiency, and capability across a government office with SharpCloud.Read More
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Case Study - Enterprise Risk"Everything is in sight. I have the visual reassurance that key risks are being managed effectively"

Sam Stuart, Safety & Environment Business Partner

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Case Study - Enterprise Risk"SharpCloud has revolutionized risk conversations by simplifying a complex and interrelated dataset"

David Shipp, Enterprise Risk Manager

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Video - Dynamic RoadmappingHow to visualize your roadmap

Examine your roadmap from multiple different angles, bringing clarity to complexity with the ability to focus in on different insights.

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Case Study - Dynamic Roadmapping"What would otherwise be static becomes a rich and responsive experience, bringing clarity and context to organizations"

Tristan Bacon, Research Associate

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Case Study - Dynamic Roadmapping"The value of using SharpCloud is that it shows how these elements work together to show what needs to be done and how."

Evert Windels, Aerospace Engineer

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Case Study - Dynamic Roadmapping"Among many tools, theirs is the one we picked because of it's versatility, and because their team is there to help"

Romain Gayet, Project Lead

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Case Study - Dynamic Roadmapping"SharpCloud has allowed us to communicate more effectively, internally and with our 100+ commercial members"

Pete Osborne, Senior Research Fellow

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Case Study - Portfolio Management"SharpCloud's ability to integrate with SAP provides enhanced visibility into financial data, enabling easy access to relevant insights for decision making."Read more
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