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Website_Icons-UseCase-21 SharpCloud Training

SharpCloud provides public and private training options to help you and your organization make the most of your investment in SharpCloud.

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Product Demo
Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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The SharpCloud Blog
Dive into our blog for practical tips and tools that will empower you to bring clarity to your data, make confident decisions, and reveal meaningful insights.

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The SharpCloud News
Stay informed and engaged with the latest updates, insights, and stories that revolve around SharpCloud.

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Embedded SharpCloud Story

Engage your audience like never before by embedding an interactive real-time roadmap, powered by SharpCloud, directly on your website.

How to embed your story

You can embed any SharpCloud story into any website using an iFrame, here is how:

1. Make your story public from the 'publish this story' tab in the share dialog.

2. Add the following code to your website, where the src is set to the url of your story:

<iframe src="https://academy.sharpcloud.com/html/#/story/8b9e8700-bf62-4714-93c8-99f599edcf5a/view/77a4ab25-2492-473b-9781-d61b5a9b06cf?hideHeader=both" id="embeddedStoryFrame" scrolling="no" width=1200 height=900 frameborder="1">

Example: SharpCloud roadmap



  • You must be the story owner

  • You need a SharpCloud license. If you don't have one, click here to create a free licence.


If you need further assistance or have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us.



Ready to get started?

Explore the platform with our free trial or reach out so we can discuss the ways that SharpCloud can address your unique challenges.

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