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Roadmapping Excellence

Enhance your organization's roadmapping process and maturity with best practices through our Roadmap Assessment Service SCoRE.

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Product Demo
Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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Explore free templates and tailor them to your unique needs. All our templates can be accessed and edited in SharpCloud, simply log in or sign up for a free account.

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One platform.

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Website_Icons-UseCase-21 SharpCloud Training

SharpCloud provides public and private training options to help you and your organization make the most of your investment in SharpCloud.

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Product Demo
Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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Risk Management

Harness an integrated and systemic risk management approach across every level of your organization.  

Create and protect value with SharpCloud 

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Stay aligned with the goal

SharpCloud connects your workflow to strategy and enables risk management to be integrated into the overall decision-making process of your organization. Maintain resilience to potential risk and stay on track with the daily operational details.

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Scenario plan risk impact

Make flexible, long-term plans by mapping various future scenarios into your roadmap. Easily identify risk impact and prepare your organization for different possible futures.  Use the insights gained from SharpCloud to refine your risk management strategies.                                                  

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Real-time progress tracking

With group access to trusted up-to-date dashboard reports, stakeholders get instant access to risk management progress. Empower collaborative engagement, feedback, and data exploration for more informed and agile decisions making.


Build risk adaptability into your roadmaps

With an up-to-date strategic roadmap, you get instant transparency on potential risks ahead of time. With SharpCloud, implement a resilient risk framework to navigate uncertainties more effectively. 


Risk identification and assessment

Uncover complex and often hidden dependencies across disconnected data sets, portfolios, and departments. Improve risk assessment and understand their potential impact and likelihood.

Resource allocation

Manage business health

Improve management and planning for uncertainty to minimize its financial impact, thereby enhancing the stability and sustainability of the organization.

Transform all your risk management to enterprise risk intelligence

  • Strategic Risk
  • Financial Risk
  • Operational Risk
  • Compliance Risk
  • External Risk Management

Always stay aligned with your goal and ensure the organization is on track and heading in the right direction together.

SharpCloud’s software connects every element of your portfolio, people, process, and technology, creating a connected map of your business. Understanding the unseen and unknown dependencies across siloed teams and portfolios allows you to uncover risks such as delivery delays, inefficiency and resource management discrepancies.Website_ERiskManagement-02

Easily integrate every level of your business into your financial risk management for a more comprehensive and holistic approach to managing investment and performance.

Map and connect all areas of the business to easily identify and assess the risk potential. SharpCloud enables deep assessment of risks with various analysis from relationship dependencies to scenario planning. Conduct a more coordinated and effective approach to managing risks, considering both the macroeconomic environment and the specific characteristics across your organization.Website_ERiskManagement-05


Stay one step ahead and mitigate risks that arise from the day-to-day operations across your portfolios and organization.

Connect every element of your portfolio across people, process, and technology and develop a transparent and up-to-date reporting roadmap that is flexible to adapt to changing business environments and your risk landscapes. Trusted reviews and updates are made easy in SharpCloud and empower an effective operational risk management framework.Website_ERiskManagement-01


With SharpCloud's flexibility and agility, easily incorporate all compliance details into your portfolio roadmaps and ensure you effectively manage your risk landscape.

In SharpCloud you can easily show and review RAG statuses for each compliance or risk element of your project or portfolio roadmap in an engaging impactful way. With a 100% flexible and customizable interface, every compliance detail can accounted for. Website_ERiskManagement-04.2


From environmental disasters to geo-economics and politics, become more agile to different external risk factors in your organization.

SharpCloud’s software makes it easy to understand the impact of change on your business, innovation plan, and financial stability. Create different roadmap futures outside of your existing plan and bake into your existing roadmap if and when needed. SharpCloud empowers you to be more agile to change. 
1 360 degree picture of the entire business

- Abellio
337 items of
risk data
in one view

- DS Fire & Rescue
$3 billion In risk mitigation

- For a global Aerospace & Defence business
5 risk visualization awards

- Network Rail
Case study

Reducing risk and powering rail transformation with Network Rail

Read case study

Watch the SharpCloud demo
for Enterprise Risk Management

We support best practice risk management and roadmapping excellence

We solve various management processes and each solution is specific to every customer and industry we work with. Our software enables enterprise organizations to better manage their processes and plan their strategic direction so that they operate far more effectively and profitably. Let us help you do the same.

From native connectors to data integrations, SharpCloud can work with all your existing technologies

Cut through silos and compliment the technology you already use. Harmonize existing classification and extract the information from your complex landscape, tailored to your needs. Click on the connector segments to explore selected integrations.

  • Productivity tools
  • Analytics tools
  • Data warehouse
  • Agile tools
  • Project management/cost tools


+ 250 data source connectors

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+ 250 data source connectors

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+ 250 data source connectors

azure_devops_-_new_logoJira Software-blue

+ 250 data source connectors


+ 250 data source connectors



Master Risk and Resource Planning in Portfolio Management

While it's impossible to completely eliminate risk, organizations can proactively anticipate and mitigate potential risks through a well-defined risk management process. Discover five essential steps to help you master risk management and resource planning in portfolio management.


Ready to get started?

If you're not ready yet, we encourage you to reach out for a conversation. We genuinely look forward to delving into the ways SharpCloud can address your unique challenges.

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