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We help you deliver strategic and operational agility

Understand your Roadmapping Maturity level and how to implement best practice roadmapping within your organization with SharpCloud's Roadmap Assessment services.

SharpCloud Center of Roadmapping Excellence (SCoRE)

We have designed a flexible framework to support portfolio management and roadmapping best practice.

Our roadmap maturity assessment offers a systematic and objective way for organizations to understand and improve their portfolio management maturity, ultimately resulting in more effective program and project management and better business outcomes.

10% of every dollar spent by businesses is lost

According to a Project Management Institute study in 2018, 10% of every dollar spent by businesses is lost through ineffective implementation of the business strategy. One contributing factor will be roadmapping performance and it ability to drive business success.

How you build, align, and flex your roadmap matters

Website_SCoREIcons_HurdlesUnderstanding and overcoming hurdles in innovation and portfolio management

Website_SCoREIcons_PortfolioGapsUncover gaps across your portfolio and accelerate business growth

Resource assessment

Having a team with the right mix of business knowledge and skills is essential for roadmapping excellence. It ensures that your roadmap is correctly linked to strategy, is realistic, achievable, and that the teams and roadmap will adapt to inevitable changing circumstances. A well-skilled team is more likely to produce trusted plans that successfully drive program and innovation delivery. We work collaboratively with the team's leaders, executives, and managers to get to know your business and apply our knowledge of best practices to fast-track your strategic business outcomes. 

Leadership and collaboration

Leadership provides the vision, direction, and accountability necessary for effective strategic roadmapping, while collaboration leverages the collective knowledge and capabilities of the team to ensure a comprehensive, confident, and adaptable plan. Together, they form the foundation for successful execution and achievement of organizational goals. Our roadmapping experts work in partnership with organizations and their teams to guide the leadership and build a successful team framework. 

Best practice data mapping and architecture

Data mapping and architecture is a crucial component of any data-driven business strategy as it affects the quality, security, scalability, and usability of data. We help you plan and organize the right data including infrastructure, technologies, strategy goals, and processes that support the collection, storage, analysis, and usage of data within the roadmap.

Governance and data standards Any roadmapping process is not a laundry list of features, but a coherent and compelling story of how you are delivering value to your business and customers. This is why setting a governance framework is essential to maintain a continuous and iterative roadmap that serves the organization as it evolves. We help develop your governance process to ensure that your organizations roadmapping efforts maintain its focus on delivering meaningful outcomes and driving business success.
Execution and effective delivery Deciding how to visualize and share your roadmap is essential for it to really make an impact and get buy in from all the relevant stakeholders. Has your audience seen your roadmap before? If not, it's crucial that time is spent setting the context and adjusting the level of detail needed. We work with teams to consider the audience, culture, and workplace formality needed to ensure effective delivery.

Ready to roadmap?

If you're not ready yet, we encourage you to reach out for a conversation. We genuinely look forward to delving into the ways SharpCloud can address your unique challenges.

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