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Helping FutPrInt50 accelerate the entry-into-service of a hybrid-electric aircraft

Case Study

The strategic goals of the FᴜᴛPʀIɴᴛ50 project needed to be broken down to spell out the deliverables in a dynamic roadmap, so it was clear what was needed and how to achieve it. We identified two major strategic goals and broke those down into five major capabilities that need be achieved.


FᴜᴛPʀIɴᴛ50 is an EU funded collaborative research project set out to identify and develop technologies and configurations that will accelerate the entry-into-service of a commercial hybrid-electric aircraft in a class of up to 50 seats by 2035/40.


Our Roadmap powered by SharpCloud couples the technological development with its associated research infrastructure and regulatory aspects. The added value of using the SharpCloud platform is that it shows how these elements work together to show what needs to be done and how.


We have a simple picture or overview of the projects being done and the sub capability they relate to. If we achieve the sub capability through one of the related projects, we reach a capability and eventually a concept product and again the strategic goals.


“The added value of using the SharpCloud platform is that it shows how these elements work together to show what needs to be done and how. You can make cross-sectional views of your data showing different things. With a click of a button, you can suddenly see all the projects sorted by capability, or technology within a timeline.”

Evert Windels, Aerospace Engineer



  • We want to enable entry into service of aircraft that delivers neutral to 0 emissions in regional aviation by 2035/2040

  • The strategic goals of the FᴜᴛPʀIɴᴛ50 project needed to be broken down to spell out the deliverables in a dynamic roadmap so it was clear what was needed and how to achieve it

  • We needed a way to see how all the elements of the FᴜᴛPʀIɴᴛ50 project were connected to maximize the likelihood of a successful projected entry-into-service by 2035/40


  • The ‘Fly the Green Deal’ from the European Union states they want to deliver a fully climate neutral air mobility system by 2050

  • FᴜᴛPʀIɴᴛ50 is an EU funded collaborative research project set out to identify and develop technologies and configurations that will accelerate the entry-into-service of a commercial hybrid-electric aircraft in a class of up to 50 seats by 2035/40

  • The complexity of the electric propulsion in aircraft means there are many interrelated elements that need to be clearly understood


For the CO2 neutral aircraft product, we have identified five major capabilities that need to be achieved. Within our roadmap powered by SharpCloud, we can click on the individual capabilities and open the items to reveal key features, an overview and importantly the relationships with other elements of the project. SharpCloud creates and captures all those elements so we know what is expected to be able to reach that capability.

We can break it down further into sub capabilities which also have key features, overviews, and detailed statements and content contained within them. When we mix together with the five capabilities we have identified to be able to reach the concept product, you can see an intricate system and the complexity this entails and how everything is related.

We have one overview with all the data captured within each item so we can highlight an individual item and drill down for detail, and see how everything can be done and how everything interrelates. We can make cross-sectional views of our data showing different things and with a click of a button, we can suddenly see all the projects sorted by capability, or technology within a timeline for example.

The added value of using the SharpCloud platform is that it shows how these elements work together to show what needs to be done and how. We have a simple picture or overview of the projects being done and the sub capability they relate to. If we achieve the sub capability through one of the related projects, we reach a capability and eventually a concept product and again the strategic goals.



  • SharpCloud shows how all of the elements work together and what needs to be done and how

  • A simple picture or overview of the projects being done and the sub capability they relate to

  • Cross-sectional views of our data showing different things, such as timelines, technology readiness levels, cost breakdown 


  • With a click of a button, you can suddenly see all the projects sorted by capability, or technology within a timeline

  • We can link data, we can sort data, we can show whatever is happening 

  • SharpCloud creates and captures all the elements so we know what is expected to be able to reach that capability


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