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How SharpCloud enabled ThermoFisher to drive agile, impactful change

Case Study

ThermoFisher is a world leader in science, constantly driving innovation to accelerate better health outcomes. As a multi-billion-dollar company, they have an enormously complex portfolio with a lot of interdependencies and risk factors. In order to drive continuous improvement processes across the organization, they needed to change their portfolio management process from being fragmented and inefficient to unified and integrated.


They were using Excel and PowerPoint to manage data and processes, relying on people to relay the right information to the right teams. This was causing human error and version control issues, leading to cost and time discrepancies. This lack of trust in their data made cross-departmental collaboration difficult, with little transparency and accountability regarding how or why problems were occurring. It was becoming increasingly difficult to solve complex problems or effectively implement change.


Using SharpCloud, they created one unified change management roadmap that joined everything together into one single source of truth. Insights, updates and data from previously fragmented teams could now be immediately shared in real-time in one place. With all the data centralized, teams could now easily and quickly debate opportunities and challenges for change and innovation, as well as map out alternative plans to foresee potential impact and value.


By always having accurate data to hand, ThermoFisher teams can now solve complex problems quickly and be confident in the decisions they make. The cost and time required to drive change across the portfolio has significantly reduced, positively impacting profitability. Using a change management roadmap has enabled them to easily uncover future risks, better prioritize plans and gain immediate insights to drive continuous improvement processes.


“The ability to visualize real time updates and insights in a collaborative fashion, helps provide greater visibility and interaction to how the overall Portfolio is performing.”

Lewis Choi, Vice President, Digital Platforms & Engineering



  • Human error and version control issues meant information was not always up to date or accurate

  • Time wasted managing manual, inefficient processes

  • Fragmented processes and discrepant data made collaboration difficult

  • Difficult and time-consuming to validate decision-making

  • Lack of clarity and consensus around what to prioritize to effectively drive change


  • Static roadmap planned in PowerPoint and Excel

  • Effective change requires unified buy-in, but work was being done in silos

  • No tool to manage the portfolio across many functions and share progress

  • No clear roadmap that connected cross-functional goals to potential challenges or risks


SharpCloud serves as a powerful tool for visualizing complex data, transforming it into a unified roadmap that serves as the single source of truth for the organization. With real-time data updates across the entire organization, teams always have access to the latest information, eliminating the risk of working with outdated data. The platform's dynamic and customizable data views allow different teams to tailor their focus to what matters most to them, enhancing efficiency and collaboration. Additionally, teams can easily trace the impact of changes across the portfolio, gaining full visibility into how decisions affect various aspects of the organization and enabling them to make well-informed decisions accordingly.



  • Reduced cost and time delays

  • Improved efficiency and profitability

  • Improved visibility and transparency of portfolio performance
  • Validated decision-making

  • Faster problem-solving


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