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Uncovering a new value landscape for Connected and Automated Mobility

Case Study


Zenzic, a British government and industry backed body, wanted our help to find new market opportunities within the Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) ecosystem. With SharpCloud's ability to unlock critical data insights and horizon plan future scenarios, Zenzic's ambition was to provide mobility linked businesses and the UK government with a clear vision and growth opportunity areas of the self-driving revolution through to 2035. Using SharpCloud, Zenzic published the UK's first Connected and Automated Mobility Roadmap, setting out a strategic path depicting how all economic, environmental, and societal benefits could be unlocked.


“With SharpCloud's powerful data handling and dynamic visualizations, what would otherwise be static information becomes a rich and responsive tool, bringing clarity and context to organizations that span a multitude of relevant sectors.”

Tristan Bacon


Zenzic's objectives

How SharpCloud is helping to shape the future of Connected and Automated Mobility

Uncover new value opportunities

SharpCloud's agility to uncover complex dependencies and data relationships enabled Zenzic to explore future focused opportunities that could be linked to existing government and industry goals, capabilities and infrastructure. By being able to link cross party needs to the bigger vision for CAM, SharpCloud was able to uncover new valuable opportunities for all  stakeholders.

Collaboration and visualization

Zenzic needed to bring business, supply chain, and government bodies together in order to make progress at pace. SharpCloud's easy to understand visual platform, enabled and enhanced whole sector engagement and collaboration. SharpCloud's agility enabled real-time scenario planning ensuring individual stakeholder benefits could be explored whilst maintaining collective alignment around one vision of the future.

Mapping the future

The flexible coding nature of SharpCloud allows for easy and quick adjustments to be made to the roadmap as circumstances change and new information and technology developments happen or become available. By using SharpCloud, Zenzic can respond effectively to changes in market conditions keeping the CAM roadmap up to date and relevant to all stakeholders.

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CAM Roadmap 2035: Where we are now and what the future looks like

The  SharpCloud Roadmap story enables all stakeholders to view and interact with the CAM Roadmap in real time and stay up to date with a relevant timeframe between now and 2035. Accompanied by a wealth of other features to help interrogation, each stakeholder can now plan and build the right cross-sector collaboration and partnerships required to get self-driving vehicles on Britain’s roads by 2030.


Why use SharpCloud?

  • SharpCloud delivered a roadmap and plan that can be easily updated with real-time data. It will remain relevant and useful for all stakeholders as they build their role in the UK's CAM vision through to 2035.

  • SharpCloud uncovered invaluable insight across the industry that were hidden or not available in conventional databases. By finding the critical connections and cross-sector interdependencies, the CAM vision can now be realised across all government departments and industry stakeholders.  
  • SharpCloud's visualization of complex interdependencies and their specific impacts on the delivery of the strategy allows for easy engagement and strategic alignment across disparate stakeholders, businesses and teams.   

  • The flexibility of SharpCloud allowed Stakeholders to navigate and filter on specific elements of the Roadmap relevant to them. While providing the big picture and vision, the roadmap also allowed individual stakeholders, decision makers, investors, and policy makers create their specific direction and plan for their CAM mobile future.


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