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Nicky ClarkeFeb 28, 2023 5:31:00 PM< 1 min read

Propulsion Quebec are efficiently tracking project initiatives

Propulsion Quebec were previously unable to clearly represent and visualize a roadmap of budget/spend and initiatives to association members and leaders.   

Romain Gayet, Project Lead at Propulsion Quebec has achieved impressive success with SharpCloud by:

  • creating a full 360 view of the visual roadmap  
  • producing an agile roadmap which automatically changes with updating data  
  • embedding the roadmap into the website for all stakeholders to see  

By condensing data from various sources into one complete view, users gain insight that will help propel them towards their goals while giving the opportunity to think strategically about the big picture.

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Quebec’s electric and smart transportation (EST) ecosystem is one of the first industries in North America to mobilize and engage its ecosystem with a 2030 roadmap of specific actions and a participatory tool that allows everyone to track the progress of 225 project initiatives, all within SharpCloud.

"Sharpcloud has helped a lot to achieve this goal! Among many tools, theirs is the one we picked because of it’s versatility, and because their team is there to help"

- Romain Gayet, Project Lead

Read more here.

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