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Nicky ClarkeDec 7, 2022 12:11:09 PM2 min read

Abellio can see the big picture across safety, security & sustainability

Abellio UK is responsible for running four of the UK’s rail passenger services – East Midlands, West Midlands, Greater Anglia and Merseyrail - as well as being the fastest growing operator in the London bus network.

The strategic responsibility that modern boards hold today has enormous scope. It’s not just about running your business financially, commercially, or operationally, there are so many other things to be mindful of that make your business sustainable. The complexity of modern business in each of those silos; commerce, finance, operations, gets more and more detailed every day.

A better way to visualize data

Steve Enright, UK Head of Safety, Security & Sustainability at Abellio, needed a better way of understanding this complex data to make it available to him and his colleagues in ways they can make good strategic decisions across this ever-growing scope of responsibility.

Steve was using a combination of Excel, PowerPoints, and mind maps, to try and track the responsibilities he holds but was looking for something to help him and his team see the bigger picture. 

"I can now see the whole picture and what I’m doing across the scope of my responsibilities. I can see the high-level strategic aspects and below that, the stakeholders, actions, and working groups aligned to those goals. I can then drill down further into sources of data and link to external data and analysis for further information."- Steve Enright, UK Head of Safety, Security & Sustainability

  • SharpCloud is being used as a tool to help senior managers understand safety in their area and specifically the size of the project or challenge, what that looks like on a day-to-day basis, who’s responsible, how easy, or difficult that task is, what the outcome will be, and how that’s aligned to overall strategy.
  • We’ve been able to use SharpCloud to create the definitive model that fits with our strategic approach to engineering management. It allows an Engineering Director in any of our operating companies, or a Depot Manager responsible for the day-to-day activities, to see the size of the problem and for people to contribute to solving that problem.
  • We have turned the concept of risk, which is not easy to understand in a siloed format, into something tangible that people can see, do something about, and interact with. We’ve been able to transform a static spreadsheet into an interactive SharpCloud story so that managers can easily see their risk control responsibilities, know what they are in a prioritized format, do something about them, and report back about what they’ve done and the impact of their actions. 

"In a meeting, all the information is there to take decisions. In just 4 clicks I can go from a strategic goal in a particular area of safety, security or sustainability to the granular detail and I can show senior management who’s doing what, the progress against it, when it’s going to be completed and how much it’s going to cost."

- Steve Enright, UK Head of Safety, Security & Sustainability

Read the full case study here

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