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Roadmapping Excellence

Enhance your organization's roadmapping process and maturity with best practices through our Roadmap Assessment Service SCoRE.

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Product Demo
Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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Free Templates
Explore free templates and tailor them to your unique needs. All our templates can be accessed and edited in SharpCloud, simply log in or sign up for a free account.

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One platform.

Many solutions.

Website_Icons-UseCase-21 SharpCloud Training

SharpCloud provides public and private training options to help you and your organization make the most of your investment in SharpCloud.

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Product Demo
Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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The SharpCloud Blog
Dive into our blog for practical tips and tools that will empower you to bring clarity to your data, make confident decisions, and reveal meaningful insights.

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Strategic Roadmapping

Avoid unexpected impacts

Build better plans and manage Roadmaps with agility

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Project Portfolio Management

Stay connected to your goals

Execute your plans with confidence

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Risk Management

Navigate business risks and obstacles before they hurt

Navigate portfolio complexity and avoid nasty surprises

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Master the complexity of the real world in SharpCloud

See how your ecosystem of projects connects and influences each other, unlocking sustainable improvement across your entire business.
Trusted by 300+ global organizations, including Rolls Royce, Siemens, MoD, and Volvo, SharpCloud is revolutionizing enterprise performance agility.

Business impact of SharpCloud on our customers

10% average cost savings in portfolio efficiency and risk mitigation
20+ year strategic forecast Roadmap
10% average reduction in strategic process planning and time to solution
1 360 degree connected big picture view of your entire business
See the big picture

Navigate complexity quickly

In a world as complex, interconnected, and unpredictable as this one, the knock-on effects of a singular change in your portfolio can quickly snowball and unravel the best made plans. ​

SharpCloud helps you see all the interdependencies in your portfolio and helps you make more confident decisions on how to manage and navigate your complexity.

Stay connected to your goals

Follow the threads to uncover the disconnect

Easily understand how every portfolio or business initiative connects to your goals. Quickly focus and interrogate your plans from any perspective in real time.

Find the hidden blockers, focus on the right projects and accelerate business competitiveness, agility, and performance.

Build your future Roadmap with confidence

Ask 'what if'

With everything connected in SharpCloud you can easily move things around. Explore your 'What if" questions; speed up, or slow things down and proactively see what the impact is on your plans. Spot where new obstacles arise or find white spaces for innovation.

Enable nimble planning and effortlessly collaborate, govern, and side step operational risks and roadblocks together. 

Holistic knowledge in a single place

Enrich data with human intelligence

The real world doesn’t fit into neat, linear data sheets. It's the human insight and the relationships between qualitative information and numbers that make data transformative.

​Easily customize views to include market trends, human context, innovation, geopolitical events, economic conditions, and regulatory developments, empowering your team to be agile and able to spot opportunities and risks others might miss.


The power of SharpCloud

Other tools collect data

Data disconnect

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​Built to chase efficiency​
Focus on numerical data​
Simplify and conceal complexity ​
Bury the meaning behind numbers 

SharpCloud connects data​

See the Golden Threads

A diagram of a strategy__Description automatically generated

Embrace uncertainty and complexity 
Focus on relationships behind the data
Agility to answer what-if questions​
Enrich with human intelligence​

Connect to your existing tools

  • SharpCloud seamlessly integrates with your preferred applications making it easy to visualize data from other systems and extract the critical information specific to any roadmap or plan.
  • Break down silos and enhance your current technology and strategic portfolio management tools. Harmonize existing classifications and tailor information extraction from your complex landscape to suit your needs.

Are you doing the right things, or just doing things right?

A strategic platform that will transform the way you plan and prioritize projects across your portfolio.
Website_Icons-Homepage24_ReduceRisk Reduce risk, deliver value fast

Identify dependencies, hidden obstacles, and navigate portfolio risks before they catch you out to reduce risk and enhance value delivery.


Website_Icons-Homepage24_AgilePlanning Adopt agile planning practices

Quickly reveal cost, timing, and resource implications and project priority for implementing new capabilities effectively.


Website_Icons-Homepage24_AlignStrategy Aligning strategy with demand

Easily connect current capability and strategy with existing and future customer demand, uncovering possible new opportunities for business success and innovation.

Website_Icons-Homepage24_AccelerateDelivery Accelerate delivery processes

Achieve strategic and execution objectives in a fraction of the time, balance risk against reward and find ways to compress what would typically take a decade into mere months. Or quickly understand the impact of slowing down or doing less.

Website_Icons-Homepage24_BusinessCollab Business alignment and collaboration

Connect all programs to overarching goals to foster business alignment and galvanize teams around shared strategies, promoting collaboration and governance.

Website_Icons-Homepage24_SeamlessKnowledge Create a seamless knowledge network

Quickly connect people, technology, and processes and align portfolio language to swiftly understand ownership, capability, and resource alignment across the organization.


Complexity is expensive

As businesses integrate new tools, expand client support, and scale their operations, they inevitably create an increasing web of interconnections and dependencies. This infrastructure can sometimes lead to overwhelming complexity often causing operational inefficiencies, decision-making hurdles, and growth challenges. The common remedy: Simplification. But at SharpCloud, we challenge this thinking. We believe that finding a way to work with the complexity is the only path to effective and efficient growth. Find out how.

What our clients say

Pete Osborne Resized - White background
Pete OsborneSenior Technical Fellow, AMRC

“From a management point of view, SharpCloud has given a much greater visibility across the complete portfolio. SharpCloud allows us to examine the relationships between different items in our technology roadmap, then dive deeper into the data for a greater level of detail.”

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Craig Wallace
Craig WallaceGlobal Head, CGI

“We needed a tool that consolidated complex information while allowing people to navigate the data in a nonlinear way, exploring the relationships between story items and seeing how they interact. SharpCloud was the solution”

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Pamela BlandSenior Systems Engineer, General Dynamics

“Our roadmap was static, one dimensional and not easy to share or collaborate around. SharpCloud give us better visibility of our data. It allows us to bring in data from different parts of the business, meaning the customer can see it more easily.”

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Alex Norman - White background
Alex NormanProject Coordinator, Koncept Rail

"SharpCloud is much better at visualizing relationships and presenting information in a user friendly and interactive way. It keeps engagement high, and stakeholders can really see the value that’s coming from our work."

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Steve EnrightUK Head of Safety, Security & Sustainability, Abellio

"I can see the high-level strategic aspects and below that, the stakeholders, actions, and working groups aligned to those goals. I can then drill down further into sources of data and link to external data and analysis for further information."

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Sue Nugent Progile - White background
Sue NugentRisk, BCM & Insurance Manager, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue

"It's fair to say that before SharpCloud, it was really difficult to keep momentum on action tracking, progress updates, and closures. It has been transformational in showing information in this way to multiple risk control and action owners."

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Phil Williams Profile - White background
Phil WilliamsManaging Director, Team Defence Information

"We can highlight and expose the weaknesses and risks and capture information around projects or people before it’s too late. SharpCloud cuts out the noise, highlights the areas to focus on and prioritizes the work to be done."

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Rhianna-Warden-profile White background2
Rhianna WardenProgramme Director (Interim), Network Rail

"The portfolio dashboard provides a digital and interactive view of the benefit maps allowing instant interrogation of benefit data through multiple views and the ability to isolate relevant information."

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Lewis Choi Profile - White background
Lewis ChoiVice President, Digital Platforms & Engineering, Thermo Fisher Scientific

"The ability to visualize real time updates and insights in a collaborative fashion, helps provide greater visibility and interaction to how the overall Portfolio is performing."

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Sam StuartSafety & Environment Business Partner, West Midlands Trains

"Everything is in sight. I can see the action owners and the actions they're responsible for. I have the visual reassurance that key risks are being managed effectively and senior management have the high-level overview they need to understand what's going on."

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david-shipp-profile white background
David ShippEnterprise Risk Manager, Network Rail

"Getting senior leadership attention and enabling the organization to understand and manage the risks of achieving our objectives; for me SharpCloud is priceless."

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tristan-bacon-profile White background2
Tristan BaconResearch Associate, Zenzic

"With SharpCloud's powerful data handling and dynamic visualizations, what would otherwise be static information becomes a rich and responsive tool, bringing clarity and context to organizations that span a multitude of relevant sectors."

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Evert-Windels-profile White background
Evert WindelsAerospace Engineer, FutPrInt50

"The added value of using the SharpCloud platform is that it shows how these elements work together to show what needs to be done and how. You can make cross-sectional views of your data showing different things. With a click of a button, you can suddenly see all the projects sorted by capability, or technology within a lifetime."

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Romain-Gayet-profile White background
Romain GayetProject Lead, Propulsion Quebec

"SharpCloud has helped a lot to achieve our goals! Among many tools, theirs is the one we picked because of its versatility, and because their team is there to help."

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Alex DoddsLight Rail Knowledge Manager, Network Rail

"The Light Rail Knowledge Team and Network Rail as a whole is represented professionally at an international level. Easy to use, accessible systems with dedicated product support, help deliver a high quality service to our customers and stakeholders."

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Our Mission

SharpCloud goes beyond data management, we're on a mission to democratize strategy and empower leaders to better navigate complexity with the tools, insights, and confidence to transform business performance.

With SharpCloud, you're not just project planning—you're making a real impact to the organization you care about. 

Adapt and thrive

Embrace business complexity

As businesses grow and evolve, the intricacy of processes and decision-making also increases. SharpCloud, with its interactive data visualization and collaboration features, allows organizations to effectively manage this complexity.


Your questions answered

What is SharpCloud?

SharpCloud is a strategic portfolio management platform that allows users to visualize their roadmaps, strategic plans, projects, and portfolios, and help teams communicate and collaborate more effectively.

SharpCloud is the only platform that seamlessly integrates your existing complex data into a cohesive visual representation, illustrating how everything connects and relates. Discover hidden interdependent relationships and uncover meaningful, actionable insights that empower and enhance all your roadmapping and project portfolio management processes.

How does SharpCloud work?

SharpCloud works by allowing users to create 'stories' or visual narratives using their data. These stories can be shared with team members or stakeholders, who can add their own insights or comments.

Who uses SharpCloud?

SharpCloud is used by teams and organizations across a variety of industries, including Aerospace & Defence, Industrial Manufacturing, Construction & Engineering, Government, and more. It's particularly useful for portfolio, programs or project managers, strategists, and anyone else who needs to present complex data in a clear and engaging way.  

Is my data safe with SharpCloud?

Yes, at SharpCloud, we take data security very seriously. We have achieved ISO 27001 Certification for five consecutive years. Depending on your organizational needs, we offer data hosting options on the cloud, private cloud, or on-premises.

How can I get started with SharpCloud?

You can get started with SharpCloud by signing up for a free trial to explore the platform at your own pace. Alternatively, you can schedule a discovery call with us for more personalized guidance. We also offer public and tailored user training, as well as consultancy services, to assist you in building your solutions.

Can I integrate SharpCloud with other tools?

Yes, SharpCloud can be integrated with a variety of other tools, including Microsoft Office, SharePoint, JIRA and more. This makes it easy to import your existing data into SharpCloud and start creating visual stories.

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Build connected plans with SharpCloud

Stay in control and manage your portfolio with precision.

Let us show you how.  

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