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Website_Icons-UseCase-21 SharpCloud Training

SharpCloud provides public and private training options to help you and your organization make the most of your investment in SharpCloud.

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Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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Portfolio Budgeting

Eliminate complexity and identify risks before projects run into overspend with SharpCloud. 

Often, the perception of a project’s success hinges on delivering it on budget. With SharpCloud you can... 

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Identify dependencies

Manage complex dependencies and risks to protect the financial viability of projects and your organization.  


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Connect different projects 

A holistic financial view enables you to uncover cost containment opportunities and easily redistribute budget to priority projects.  

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Visualize reporting

Easily turn complex budget data into clear visual reports amalgamating the latest data in order to align all stakeholders. 



Consolidate budgets

Create one true version of all data and financial positions, stored in one place and with no version control issues. 



Manage external risks

Ensure an integrated approach with regulatory requirements and internal governance policies to better manage risk.                                                                        

Resource allocation

Model scenarios

Manage evolving scopes and budgets in real-time. Rescope your portfolio to predict the impact of changes on costs and opportunities.  


“SharpCloud is the only platform I have seen that has the ability to solve difficult project challenges quickly and help identify blockers to delivery. It really is a cutting-edge use of roadmapping and visualization technology.”


See how SharpCloud transforms budget and finance planning across your portfolio

  • Prioritization
  • Management Insights
  • Project Planning
  • Scenario Planning
  • Resource Allocation
  • Timeline Management

Confidently prioritize

From problem detection to risk magnitude, proactively manage your portfolio. By highlighting projects, programs, or technologies that might not deliver as expected, enable timely intervention and prioritization.

View of SharpCloud’s prioritization tool.


Cut cost and duplication

Easily integrate every level of your business into your financial management for a more comprehensive and holistic approach to managing investment and performance.

View of SharpCloud's Management insights tool.


Enhance strategic planning

Identify the most impactful projects and investments that deliver on strategic imperatives. Use SharpCloud to uncover hidden opportunities to improve and accelerate business performance.

iew of SharpCloud’s project planning tool.


Ask 'what if'

SharpCloud keeps everything connected, allowing you to explore 'What if' plans and their possible impact on delivery. Easily integrate various strategic scenarios into your roadmap and align your organization to respond effectively to multiple possible futures. 

View of SharpCloud’s risk and scenario planning tool.


Optimize resource allocation

Gain comprehensive insight into resource distribution across all projects and programs. Make informed decisions about resource allocation to improve productivity, task management, reduce waste, and optimize value delivery. 

View of SharpCloud’s resource allocation tool.

Horizon plan

Balance current operational management with future-focused exploration and initiatives. Give confidence to decisions on where to grow, pivot, and adjust to maintain competitive advantage.

View of SharpCloud’s timeline management tool.


Case study

Unlocking Billions: How SharpCloud identified over £1bn in missed opportunities and allocated over £500m to critical infrastructure


Read case study

Watch the demo to see how SharpCloud transforms budget and finance planning

How to right size your budget for the best outcomes

The world economy is in a precarious position - learn how to right-size your budget, ditch the budget planning spreadsheet, and see the bigger picture to ensure you pick the right projects.

From native connectors to data integrations, SharpCloud can work with all your existing technologies

Cut through silos and compliment the technology you already use. Harmonize existing classification and extract the information from your complex landscape, tailored to your needs. Click on the connector segments to explore selected integrations.

  • Productivity tools
  • Analytics tools
  • Data warehouse
  • Agile tools
  • Project management/cost tools


+ 250 data source connectors

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+ 250 data source connectors

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+ 250 data source connectors

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+ 250 data source connectors


+ 250 data source connectors



Ready for financial planning that stays on track?

If you still have questions, we encourage you to reach out for an introductory conversation. We genuinely look forward to delving into the ways SharpCloud can address your unique challenges.

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