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SharpCloud provides public and private training options to help you and your organization make the most of your investment in SharpCloud.

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Are you a decision-maker, portfolio manager, or business strategist aiming to elevate your strategic portfolio management approach? This demo is especially for you.

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Work smarter with templates

Explore free templates and tailor them to your unique needs. All our templates can be accessed and edited in SharpCloud, simply log in or sign up for a free account.

Roadmap template
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Roadmap template

Used to outline plans over a time, including key milestones, deliverables, and visualizing interdependencies between various elements of the plan.

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Cost/benefit analysis template
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Cost/benefit analysis template

Used to weigh the financial pros and cons of a business decision. This template helps model any potential increase or decrease in costs over time, allowing for effective budget management for each project within a portfolio.


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Kanban template
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Kanban template

A visual tool for managing workflow, tracking progress, and identifying bottlenecks in a project. It enhances team engagement by offering customizable views of work based on ownership, and facilitates project retrospectives for continuous improvement.

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SWOT+ template
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SWOT+ template

This template allows you to workshop with stakeholders, build a backlog of ideas, prioritize them, and visualize the path to executing your insights using built-in roadmaps.

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Objectives & key results template
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Objectives & key results template

Used for setting, tracking, and achieving goals. Connect actions and projects to your OKRs and monitor over time the likelihood of successful delivery so you can mitigate any concerns and make informed decisions.

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Stakeholder mapping template
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Stakeholder mapping template

Assists in identifying and understanding stakeholders and their influence on a project or business. Identify key project stakeholders, understand their perspective and influence, and execute your engagement strategy.

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Strategic prioritization template
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Strategic prioritization template

Helps in deciding the order of tasks based on their strategic importance. This template provides a clear picture of how every activity is aligned and connected to the overall mission and strategic goals.

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Supply chain analysis template
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Supply chain analysis template

Helps in examining the flow of materials, information, and finances as they move from supplier to consumer. Holistically manage risk, production, delivery, and quality, and support sustainable and safe growth with this template.

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Net zero end to end template
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Net zero end to end template

Used for analysing and planning for a business’s carbon footprint from beginning to end of operations. Establish milestones and objectives for your organization's carbon neutral journey. Monitor your real-time progress and maintain a clear view of your goal alignment.

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Gap analysis template
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Gap analysis template

used to analyze the current performance in comparison to the desired performance and identify any areas of improvement. Use this template to create a comprehensive action plan to address these gaps.

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Templates to take you from strategy to execution

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Our most popular templates


More than a whiteboard, it's an all-encompassing platform for idea capture, deep analysis, and effective action tracking. No more lost sticky notes; everything you need is right here!

Use this template to answer questions like:

  • What are the unique strengths that set us apart from our competitors?
  • What are the weaknesses or areas we need to improve on internally?
  • What opportunities exist in our market that we can capitalize on?
  • How can we leverage our strengths to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate threats?

Strategic priorities

The value of this template lies in its ability to provide a clear, visual representation of your strategic priorities, making it easier to map, manage, and monitor strategy implementation.

Use this template to answer questions like:

  • How are our current activities aligned with our overall mission and goals?
  • What relationships exist between specific activities and how do they affect our strategic goals?
  • What is the impact of each activity on our overall portfolio?
  • Which activities are most critical to achieving our strategic priorities?

Objectives and key results

By providing clear, measurable goals, OKRs can help businesses ensure they're moving in the right direction and making the most of their resources.

Use this template to answer questions like:

  • How are we progressing towards our key results?
  • Are our objectives aligned across different teams and departments?
  • Which areas require more focus or resources based on our progress towards our key results?
  • What adjustments need to be made to stay on track towards achieving our key results?

Stakeholder map

This template can help businesses improve their communication strategies, manage stakeholder expectations more effectively, and ultimately ensure the success of their projects.

Use this template to answer questions like:

  • Who are the key stakeholders involved in the project or initiative?
  • How do the stakeholders interact with each other and what are the relationships between them?
  • What is the level of influence or interest each stakeholder has in the project?
  • How can the project be adjusted to better serve or engage the stakeholders?

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