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Webinar SharpCloud: A Journey in Risk


Presented by Peter Ralph, Enterprise Risk Manager at Rolls-Royce

Peter Ralph has over five years’ experience in risk management and a wealth of experience in commercial and critical decision support roles. In the last five years Peter has played an instrumental role in changing risk management practice at Rolls-Royce to increase the focus on managing the right risks in the right way and the introduction of SharpCloud has been a key part of this.


In this webinar Peter Ralph, Enterprise Risk Manager at Rolls-Royce, will take you on the journey of how he introduced SharpCloud to Rolls-Royce, the highs and the lows of getting the tool onboarded and just how powerful SharpCloud can be in the context of enterprise risk management.

Peter introduced SharpCloud at Rolls-Royce in 2016 initially using it for ‘risk visualisation’ with the executive team, but with Peter’s stewardship, it has gone from strength to strength and is now considered the go to tool for risk management at Rolls-Royce.

The use of SharpCloud at Rolls-Royce has now spread into other areas and is used in engineering, strategy and innovation, to provide the essential insights into a number of problems. The growth has not stopped in risk either, Peter has bold plans to continue the journey in 2020 and beyond.